


【綠能中⼼ 2024 APEC YES Challeng國際青年創新創業解決方案活動!開跑囉!】


獲獎隊伍可獲得⾼額獎⾦(第一名USD 1,200;第二名USD 800) 決賽地點:泰國-清邁 Chiang Mai, Thailand   為鼓勵逢甲及校外教職員⽣投身己力翻轉社區環境與經濟,邁向淨零共好。我們誠摯邀請大家踴躍報名參加,迎上亞太經合會(APEC)致力於淨零排放的腳步。 今年2024 APEC YES Challenge的競賽主題為:Green Synergy Solutions to Net-Zero Emissions: Based on Bioenergy Technologies for Resilience and Sustainability。在活動主題的架構下,參賽團隊需在制定的兩個範疇內選擇一組作為挑戰: 範疇(一):技術解決方案Green Energy Technologies Empower Net-Zero Energy Transition 範疇(二):社會解決方案BCG Economy Models Enhance Net-Zero Societal Transformation

Campus Activities

Eye-catching! Shi Li Ren’s Black Diamond Rhino enters our school.


"創.藝.術" campus installation art exhibition is dedicated to promoting the exchange of art and culture on campus through public art performances.

Campus Activities

Australian Office visited Feng Chia to bridge Feng Chia with Australia’s top 100 universities in the world.


The Australia Office visited our school on the 5th. Ma Jie, Director of the Business Office, led Senior Business Manager Lu Zhu Zhen, Business Manager Hu Ying Jun, and New South Wales Taiwan Director Zhang Jun Ming to visit the school’s Board of Directors, Principal’s Office, International Office, and International College, School of Business and School of Innovation. The two sides exchanged views on the development of education and technology between Taiwan and Australia, and look forward to opening more communication in the future.

Campus Activities

Basketball and volleyball games "Tip-off with Energy".


The event, organized by academic departments with a focus on freshmen participation, attracted nearly a hundred teams – 43 in basketball and 54 in volleyball – totaling over a thousand participating students.

FengChia Featured

"Global Views" 2024 Corporate Favorite Ranking Feng Chia University achieves first among private schools.


According to the latest " Global Views Monthly" survey on the Most Desirable University Students for Enterprises in 2024, our university secured the top spot among private universities. National Cheng Kung University maintains its top position, while National Taipei University of Technology, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, National Taiwan University, and other national universities are also among the top 10.

FengChia Featured

"Cheers"announced that Feng Chia University ranking first for three consecutive years.


This year, "Cheers" conducted a "Mutual Evaluation Survey of University Presidents' Educational Performance". Feng Chia University was recognized again, ranking first among private universities for three consecutive years.